Breech Babies, Breech Turns, and Breech Births
Spend the day learning, discussing and practicing the information and techniques you need to know to fully support families with a baby in utero who's in a breech position (head's up!bottom first). Paula's hands-on teaching style will allow you to experience the techniques which then can be used with the families you attend to create calm, and to bring babies into the world gently and joyfully. Fee $110. Discounted price of $90 for those who have attended/are attending Carraige House Doula Training or the HypnoBirthing Support Techniques Workshop/or HB Practitioners Training with Paula. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.
Paula Aji
Paula Aji is working to create a world that empowers women in their bodies, instills confidence in new parents, and helps parents and their babies to communicate with love. Her own first baby was a surprise breech, and she has since been on a path of discovery to understand and attend parents and babies through the pregnancy and birth journey. As a HypnoBirthing® Faculty Trainer, HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, and Doula, Paula keeps busy guiding parents to breathe and relax, rubbing the lower backs of laboring mamas, and teaching doulas and midwives to employ calming HypnoBirthing® techniques. She is also a healer who helps families release trauma of past births. She has taught HypnoBirthing Practitioner Trainings throughout the USA, China, and Israel, and has upcoming trainings in New York, Thailand and Hungary. Her collaboration with partners at Simply Birthing: The Israeli Center for Relaxed Childbirth resulted in the Hebrew translation of the book “HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method” and the HypnoBirthing audio tracks.
Paula is a native New Yorker born in 1964 and currently lives in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Visit Paula’s website for more info about trainings
and visit her blog for inspiring hypnobirthing stories
Instagram hypnobirthtrainer_paula