Facilitated by Reiki Godmothers Aki Hirata Baker and Manu Del Prete
Exchange: $300 for Level 2 $550 for Level 1 and 2 |
*NOTE: This is a 2-day event with the first day (Oct. 14th) only offered virtually and the second day (Oct. 15th) held as a hybrid, with the option to attend in person OR virtually.*
Our Reiki 2 course is now hybrid - students have an option to come in person on the 2ND DAY ONLY for hands-on practice, or they can still join virtually with a practice client at their location.
Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
Reiki system was created by Dr. Masao Usui in Japan, and it is administered by ‘laying of hands’.
Though Reiki system originated in Japan, hands-on healing methods has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years - it is a very universal healing method.
Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Because of the reasons above, being certified to use Reiki is tremendously beneficial for medical and therapeutic professionals, yoga and movement teachers, parents, and/or anyone whose work is to care for others.
Our Reiki Certification Courses are co-taught by Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata- Baker using Twin Attuning Method.
You will have a unique opportunity to learn from two masters who works together to bring various aspects of Reiki to life - you will leave feeling empowered and excited about your ability! Twin Attuning Method was discovered during the course of the two masters working together; the energies of the two masters are intertwined during the attunement to create a deep and powerful shift of the energy bodies.
In addition to receiving instruction and attunement from two experienced RMT, the Course also includes a manual, 6-months of support from the instructors, and discounted sessions by the instructors. Plus, graduates are invited to practice with MINKA community reiki clinic after an interview session with one of the instructors.
Click HERE to sign up.
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