Facilitated by Reiki Godmothers Aki Hirata Baker and Manu Del Prete
Exchange: $300 for Level 1 Online or In-Person
Levels 1, 2 & Earth Evolution - $800
Online or In-Person at Grand St. Healing Project
Offered by @reikigodmothers of MINKA , this weekend intensive certification course is designed for anyone who is interested in incorporating the healing energy of Reiki. This course can also be taken by those who are already certified, and wanting to deepen their practice and studies through a decolonized lens.
Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Usui Reiki system was ‘remembered’ & systemized in Japan by Dr. Masao Usui & Chujiro Hayashi. ‘Laying of hands’ healing methods have been with humanities for thousands of years - and forgotten.
Through his dedication to the re-discovery of universal healing methods accessible for all, Dr. Usui received this information from the Universe in the 1800s. In this certification course taught by Aki Hirata Baker & Manu DelPrete, you will learn not only the official written version of the history of reiki but also through the historical context and analysis lens that is often not seen.
In the world where we are asked to be more integral for us to reach our authentic Self, we aim to equip our students with information that is as decolonized as possible to make deeper healing possible for all. In-Depth learning of energy and energetic hygiene For this certification to be truly decolonized, we also endeavor together to understand the true nature of energy & and our capacity to perceive that reality. You will be offered a new way to see reality from a more expanded space instead of binary model we have been taught for a long time, using both the mythological, Western & Indigenous scientific language.
Why choose MINKA school Usui Reiki Certification??
- Solid foundational understanding of how energy healing works
- Powerful Twin Attunement by @reikigodmothers, @soulflowermedicine & @manu_zenetae
- In-depth teachings on how to navigate your intuition and psychic ability blossoming from Reiki Attunement
- History of reiki, not only the ones usually taught but also from research with cultural context
- Updated use of language to be spiritually integral when working with and talking about energy, healing & spirituality
- Tips to work with expanded & sensitive energetic field (yes, Empaths - we are for you)
- Learn how to program crystal using Reiki symbols (level 2) - and of course, how to give reiki
In addition to receiving instruction and Twin Attunement from two experienced RMT, the Course also includes:
-PDF original Manual,
-6-months of e-mail support from the instructors
-discounted sessions by the instructors
-Plus, graduates are invited to exclusive Mighty Network Portal to connect with others & apply to practice with MINKA community reiki clinic after an interview session with one of the instructors.
REIKI GODMOTHERS Our Reiki Certification Courses are co-taught by Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata- Baker using Twin Attuning Method. You will have a unique opportunity to learn from two masters who work together to bring various aspects of Reiki to life - you will leave feeling empowered and excited about your ability! Twin Attuning Method was discovered during the course of the two masters working together; the energy of the two masters are intertwined during the attunement to create a deep and powerful shift of the energy bodies.