This Comprehensive 4-day Birth Doula Foundation Training is a collaboration between Carriage House Birth, Woven Bodies, Samantha Huggins and Dorcas Davis Consulting. The training will supply you with the baseline information you need to support families and individuals in the perinatal health space with confidence, compassion, and professionalism.
Your coursework, along with the required pre-and-post-requisite work (see below), will provide you with opportunities to reflect on yourself in the format that meets your learning and creative needs. You will be pushed beyond the edges of yourself and will be asked to question your biases and privileges while simultaneously addressing the racism and inequalities/inequities that affect our clients.
In this training, you will learn from teachers with different lived experiences and professions, including doulas, antiracist activists, educators, mentors and more. You will be lead by instructors: Dorcas Davis, Samantha Huggins, and Sophia Louis.
All of this information and vital development of the foundation of your practice will be held over 4 days, in person at Grand Street Healing Project in Brooklyn.
We’ve made it easier than ever to take the leap to the work that calls you.
* CHB offers a sliding scale of $599-$999 for a seat in the Birth Doula Training. All training sessions will be recorded and available to attendees.
Click HERE to sign up.